Simple solutions to challenges and tasks you face everyday


Perform more efficient planning and coordination


Coordination of tasks and agreements with relatives can be time consuming. With the Kintella tool planning and follow ups are done automatically and online. This will give you a quick and easy overview. 

Create to do lists while you are with the resident. This will save you from time in the office later.


Create overview of visits and trips

Often knowledge about visits from relatives and trips with the residents can lack. With the Kintella tool, residents can be checked in and out in the app. The acivities are shown in the residents' calendars and the staff can talk with the resident about the visit or the trip.


Keep the residents' experiences alive 


The residents' information and life experiences are often kept inactive in papers in the office. Kintella gives you the information in the palm of your hand and you can use it actively all day, everyday

You can work with the relatives to keep the information up to date - it is all online. With the app, you will always have the most recent information.


Strengthen the relation between relatives

Often information and news about activites do not reach the relatives. With Kintella you can strengthen the relation to the relatives and increase their involvement by sending news, calendar updates, pictures, etc. directly to the residents and their relatives.